Monday, October 12, 2009

Dior 2009/2010

John Galliano's show for Autumn/Winter Dior seems to have produced some phenomonal pieces...being in the southern hemisphere its frustrating going into to summer however the orange in this dress could probably translate as a summer piece - the risk being 'are bright colours too cliche for summer?'
The gauzy effect created by the fabric in the pleated skirt is echoed in this piece from the same collection
i was also interested not by the dress - i have a thing against shocking pink and ruffles at the hips- but in the STOCKINGS with that beautiful seam up the back GLAMOUR

i loved the hair and makeup on these models - quintissentially 80's i think reminded me of the fabulous Pat Benatar
I think all of the above ladies look ready for battle...

Photos of My Dress

Finally... finally i have the photos of my dress ready to it is i apologise for the slightly stoned face I am showing off here. I wasnt sure when the camera would take the shot - stupid timer...;)
The second shot was a mess up but it is so beautiful and creative it looks like I am being sucked into a golden hole it made me think of this song. It's called 'Solid Gold' and its by the Golden Filter